
Showing posts from December, 2019

Mind Games

I tried to adjust myself into a more comfortable position in the chair for the 23rd time in just under an hour. I do not know who designed these steel contraptions or why he hated humanity so much. But, humanity in all its magnanimity accepted his hatred and spread it to every waiting room and lobby. I do not think that a better machine to kill the human will and replace it with a sense of hopelessness has been invented yet. The story of the steel chair, though, is for a later time. Coming back to the present, I was in the waiting room of a dental clinic. Accompanying my grandfather to the dentist had become a monthly ritual for me and I always make it a point to wait outside. Not that I have come to a pact with the mosquitos or that I enjoy reading the old magazines, but because every time I see the doctor he gives me a crooked smile that seems to say “So, buddy, when do I get to hurt you?” Other than the fact that the magazines had become a month older nothing had changed this time