
Showing posts from March, 2020

M Chronicles - II

The Interview “The fiasco at the dentist’s” or “The mishap with Mr M”, as I described the incident to whom so ever cared to listen, was long forgotten by my transient memory. Those who wish to read about the above-mentioned catastrophe may visit . I was helped in this endeavour by two unrelated circumstances. Being the first among a family of engineers, my grandfather was a very progressive and pragmatic man. On his 84 th birthday, he realised that further repair work on his dental faculty would be futile. It was time to bid adieu to those tired and worn out warriors. He got himself a better, whiter, sharper set. And when it came to yours faithfully, I could claim the possession of a glorious set of tusks that occupied the pride of my face. In fact, there are rumours amongst certain ignoble circles that my canines could glow in the dark. A highly exaggerated, though not completely inaccurate statement, one should say. He