
Showing posts from June, 2022

Death and Beyond

“For the last time, stay still. Do not speak, blink or even breath. And most importantly stop searching for the source of my sound you nincompoop! Make me repeat once more and you can say goodbye to your already slim shot at heaven.” the voice said. I am a religious man and those words were not august enough to be from my god. Perhaps it is the other fellow. The one on the buffalo. Well, I am dead, so I might as well act the part. Heaven did he say? Huh! My own words “I fear that the day Science disprove life beyond death would coincide with the day humans bid adieu to humanity” seems irrelevant with this new found information. To be honest, and I have got to be honest with myself at least now, I do not think anyone else besides myself found it relevant even back when I wrote it. I wonder what heaven would be like. I have a clear idea of hell. The burning oil, thorns and the other paraphernalia for torture. Parvathy had a different idea of hell though. Her hell would be filled with inc