
M chronicles -III The Patriot

  “You seem like a robust, agile young fellow”, the old lady complimented. A man, less initiated in the affairs of the world, would have blushed at such perfumed words. I did not. People who know me would attest that a humbler being has seldom existed. But, in some matters, honesty is of essence. Hence, with all the modesty that I can afford, let me tell you that in such affairs as unwarranted cajolery on a train I am a seasoned veteran. I knew what was to follow. “Would you mind switching seats, my knees you see” she continued.  I did not bother to check the status of her knees. What did it matter? Belonging to lineage of chivalrous and patriotic gentlemen, I could not refuse her request, even though, to be honest, she did look like a misguided soul who prefers to run marathons on her free time. Her seat was B1 8. The side upper berth near the toilet. No sane individual, even those with an underdeveloped or malfunctional olfactory lobe, would enjoy the sweet aroma of excretion that ov

Death and Beyond

“For the last time, stay still. Do not speak, blink or even breath. And most importantly stop searching for the source of my sound you nincompoop! Make me repeat once more and you can say goodbye to your already slim shot at heaven.” the voice said. I am a religious man and those words were not august enough to be from my god. Perhaps it is the other fellow. The one on the buffalo. Well, I am dead, so I might as well act the part. Heaven did he say? Huh! My own words “I fear that the day Science disprove life beyond death would coincide with the day humans bid adieu to humanity” seems irrelevant with this new found information. To be honest, and I have got to be honest with myself at least now, I do not think anyone else besides myself found it relevant even back when I wrote it. I wonder what heaven would be like. I have a clear idea of hell. The burning oil, thorns and the other paraphernalia for torture. Parvathy had a different idea of hell though. Her hell would be filled with inc

The 100 dollar murders

‘The series of murders or the 100 dollar murders as they have come to be popularly referred to, continue to rock the sleepy town of Jasper and the citizens have been gripped by fear. “We are expediting the investigation and expect a positive breakthrough soon. We assure our citizens that there is no need for panic” a senior police official said. The 100 dollar bills found in the victims’ mouths, however, continue to baffle the police’ She shuddered. These were her own words. As a seasoned journalist she had reported the incidents as objectively as she could. But reading the report as a citizen of Jasper she was filled with a sense of trepidation. She lost her appetite. Not something you want to read just before having dinner with a stranger. She rued her decision to cave in to her friend’s persuasion and agree to a blind date. Maybe she should leave before this late, unfamiliar man arrives. “Miss Richards?” A deep voice enquired. “Oh crap!” She exclaimed under her breath. She looked up

Mythically sketchy


M Chronicles - II

The Interview “The fiasco at the dentist’s” or “The mishap with Mr M”, as I described the incident to whom so ever cared to listen, was long forgotten by my transient memory. Those who wish to read about the above-mentioned catastrophe may visit . I was helped in this endeavour by two unrelated circumstances. Being the first among a family of engineers, my grandfather was a very progressive and pragmatic man. On his 84 th birthday, he realised that further repair work on his dental faculty would be futile. It was time to bid adieu to those tired and worn out warriors. He got himself a better, whiter, sharper set. And when it came to yours faithfully, I could claim the possession of a glorious set of tusks that occupied the pride of my face. In fact, there are rumours amongst certain ignoble circles that my canines could glow in the dark. A highly exaggerated, though not completely inaccurate statement, one should say. He

Mind Games

I tried to adjust myself into a more comfortable position in the chair for the 23rd time in just under an hour. I do not know who designed these steel contraptions or why he hated humanity so much. But, humanity in all its magnanimity accepted his hatred and spread it to every waiting room and lobby. I do not think that a better machine to kill the human will and replace it with a sense of hopelessness has been invented yet. The story of the steel chair, though, is for a later time. Coming back to the present, I was in the waiting room of a dental clinic. Accompanying my grandfather to the dentist had become a monthly ritual for me and I always make it a point to wait outside. Not that I have come to a pact with the mosquitos or that I enjoy reading the old magazines, but because every time I see the doctor he gives me a crooked smile that seems to say “So, buddy, when do I get to hurt you?” Other than the fact that the magazines had become a month older nothing had changed this time

The not so Offbeaten Track (Manali-Leh ride)

I have not written a travelogue before. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever written before. A severe case of scarce creativity has been identified as the reason for this dearth   in my literary enterprise. This makes my venture at story telling more perilous than the journey that I wish to describe. To call this a travelogue might seem preposterous to those who read it, since I do not remember most of the places that we had passed through and it is too much of a burden for my lethargic brain to read up about the places that I do remember. This is a recollection of the experiences that we had. But travelogues are in vogue these days and I do not intend to make my story any less fashionable. It is the year 2015 and it has been 3 years since we passed out from college. As attested by our professors it had taken all the will power that our lady luck could muster to get us through college unscathed. And to celebrate the third anniversary of the achievement we decided t